Monday, October 5, 2015

Opencv 3 for me

   Embarrassingly my python install, conda and all had caught fire and collapsed for unknown reasons (this not happening being the whole point of conda).

   So I have splashed out into Python 3.4.3 and opencv 3.0.0. I held off on Python 3.5.0 for now. I was looking at cv2.filter2D(...) (why is opencv 3 still being called cv2) which broadly does what it should (for large kernels it does the convolution with the discrete Fourier transform).

   Also I started using vim again, and discovered that it has tabs now! It is my favourite IDE again.

   A page from an odd cookbook, filtered arbitrarily by directionally maximising green channel contrast. It looks artistic. I have written so many pictureless words that any excuse for an image has to do.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Language choice

   At some point I entered a chrysalis then emerged a proper python programmer (at which point a lecturer called me on just being trendy).

   Now for my various (non-go) projects my current language choices are python/numpy etc, python/opencv3 and C/cuda. Obviously these three are somewhat interrelated with slightly differing emphases:

  • Numpy (pronounced numpy to enrage other python programmers) is the natural evolution from Matlab (vis all the "numpy for Matlab users" cheatsheets)
  • OpenCV 3 is a holistic and self contained (computer vision) package, where python is an incidental alternative to C++.
  • Cuda says I moreso want to actually control (worry about) my utilisation of graphics processing. I count putting some more mileage into C++ a bonus.
   Numpy and cv3 both have robust gpu functions (probably cuda derived) and are highlevel and syntactically sweet. Conversely one can cobble code from existing cuda quite easily.

Go bot though?

   I have been mainly hacking away with Numpy and friends, so that's my goto for the go bot, who shall consist of :
  1. Joseki dictionary bot
    • Dictionary Joseki deviation punishment bot
  2. Dictionary advised non-dictionary joseki deviation punishment bot
  3. MCTS bot (hopefully the board has closed up lowering computation cost).

What about making another SGF editor?

   Seems like I could do it in python (python gui toolkits are a thing)

Thursday, July 2, 2015


   Before falling asleep I thought I would jot more thoughts.

   Some major behind-the-scenes problems are that I am storing joseki as 10-by-10 tiles, just because that is slightly more natural for me to think about. Which is a problem, because joseki are being played on a 19-by-19 board. Actually the joseki are one dimensional lines of numbers, but those are somewhat more confusing.

   I told it to pretend a same-color stone on some rotation or reflection of C7 : C10 was more or less one of the other stones. In the name of half-asleep ad hoc solutions being an approach to doing programming. It panics if it sees a wrong-color extension and is embarrassing for everyone involved.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Just joseki bot

   I just glued several simple joseki from The 21st Century Dictionary of Basic Joseki by Takao Shinji to a bot and asked it to play them. Which it does!

   You might notice that it refuses to deviate from its chosen joseki in a given corner, and once it has no choice but for one color to deviate from the script it just stops.

   But this is the idea I decided to start on : A bot that plays joseki if at all possible (so as to avoid expensive, original analysis), then once the board closes up plays single moves.

   Mid-game joseki would need to be included.

   The next step for the bot is to tell it that it is okay to have stones from other corners intrude on other corners' joseki. I think a rule of thumb saying "just; no contact moves" would be a good measure.

   Another issue is that not all moves are equally sente. While bots boldly tenuki-ing is somewhat infamous, not connecting a peep is a crime.

   I have been playing around with bots on KGS (Hirabot 1d, Ayabot 2d). They stick pretty rigidly to their opening patterns. I wonder if they are remembering games that they won to conserve time for their Monte-Carlo methods. Or just following some heuristics or an opening dictionary. My approach will be just joseki to begin.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Thinking about Monte Carlo playouts

   Finished my homework panic (for this particular half of this particular half of this particular week).

   Now I am reflecting on what a Monte Carlo play-out should consist of. At the moment, each empty spot on the board that isn't a living one space eye gets a number, and then those get played out until a capture happens, at which point everyone gets a new random number. Obviously there's some extraneous work being done there.

   One optimization would be instead of redoing the whole board after a capture, simply inserting new legal moves after a capture at random locations would avoid some work.

   Another would be playing known-to-be-non-capturing moves before a capture simultaneously.

   This is somewhat motivated by Hirabot 1d 19x19 repeatedly smashing me on KGS. Also, 15,000 play-outs in under thirty seconds?! In contrast, Ayabots 1k - 1d only do 1500 play-outs and are clearly over-ranked. So my bot needs to be doing 2-3 orders of magnitude more play-outs in only 30 seconds.

Otherwise, I am doing something (at school) with Geant4. I wonder if Geant4 has something to offer my Matlab go evaluation (because mex is so dependable).

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Busy studying today

   I only did the first Google Code Jam problem, too. At some point I got fed up with remembering Java syntax, which in hindsight required more preparation. Next year, Python, surely.

   This weekend is dedicated to schoolwork.
   A scintillator like potassium iodide crystals will somewhat get you visible light from higher energy gamma rays, which is easier to find. My use of the term 'x-rays' might be erroneous.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Reading SGFs too

(I'm on holiday)

   Irritatingly, the move numbers I am using are MATLAB figure text. If I 'print the figure to a file', all the text becomes my current font color. If I write the board image as an image, I lose the text. I will argue that I wanted the gif to be small and in that case the numbers don't make sense. 

   The game is Rin Kaiho vs Fujisawa Hideyuki 1982.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Serializing to SGF

At the moment my bots produce stacks of boards (aimed at easily displaying the progress of a game). Also I speculate that 19^2 is small enough that passing them around will not matter a lot.

But the go world runs on Smart Game Format. I really don't write files of arbitrary strings in MATLAB a lot.

function [] = WriteSgfOfBoardStack( boardStack, fileName)
%WriteSgfOfBoardStack Writes an array of boards to an SGF.
%   V.

LETTERS = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's','t'};

sgfText = '(;FF[4](;';

for i = 2 : length(boardStack);
    changesBoard = boardStack(:,:,i)-boardStack(:,:,i-1);
    if mod(i-1,2) == 0
        C = 'W';
        C = 'B';
    [row, col] = find(changesBoard);
    moveString = strcat(';', C, '[',LETTERS{col},LETTERS{row},']');
    sgfText = strcat(sgfText, moveString);

sgfText = strcat(sgfText, '))');

f = fopen(fileName, 'w+');




Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Also: Reveling in my own beautiful graphics

First Steps Heuristics

This 'bot' picks next moves by following very simple rules and starts with 1 and 2 on the board.
    1. For each player, convolve kernels representing 1:3 space jumps and knights moves. (This is the interesting step).
    2. Exclude the first and second line and contact moves.
    3. Exclude moves only one player is interested in
    4. Randomly select from the remaining moves
Go exchanges can be thought of as combinations of mainly jumps and knights' moves ('haengma' : This link could not be useful for anyone). Being able to express these different moves facilitates actual decision making, later.

Monday, April 6, 2015

ImagingBot's future

   Firstly, I uploaded 50 moves of my bot playing itself on a 19^2 board over on L19.

Because I am not building this for high performance computing, playouts are going to be fairly sparse.

Because playouts are sparse, heuristics for choosing what next moves to compare are extremely important. Initially I was hoping to avoid writing in my own heuristics and introducing bias, but I need to examine alternatives to sheer volume of playouts.

Sofaras heuristics, I want to convolve (Wikipedia) conventional 'good' (and bad) go shape kernels to find good shape candidates for next moves. But the implementation is not exceedingly clear. I am not totally sure that convolution is the fastest way of finding these. A friend tells me four channel convolution is well optimized (whereas I would normally just break a problem into 2d convolution). Semantics. Will report back.

   Aside from this, I want to utilize graphics processing (convolution on graphics processors is normal).

ImagingBot playing against itself

   I thought I better post a game. Apologies about the 'game picture' stop measure (using Drago), I have not set up an SGF viewer.
The game ended abruptly with some kind of exception that I need to think about! Black was probably contemptuous of white's last move.

   The parameters for my bot were each move to select six locations, three near enemy stones and three not near enemy stones or the edge, then play out three totally random games at each of those locations, tallying wins and choosing among the most wins for the next move.

   Obviously lots of thought and testing needs to go into what random playouts should be done and how they should be parsed. Mostly I picked small numbers because it's just my Lenovo ideapad hammering away at it.

   My code is in need of ruthless refactoring, which I am quite looking forward to.

   The bot has since been renamed ImagingBot, to reflect its use of image manipulations (and because I later want to rewrite it into C++).

Sunday, April 5, 2015

MATLAB go bot

   A while ago it occurred to me that one can express go (a go wiki) rules in terms of images and morphological operations. I decided to do this as a project with a local programming (and related) club I belong to.

   Aside from executing the rules as image manipulations using MATLAB image processing toolkit, I am going to use my unstudied understanding of Monte Carlo simulations and a minimal approach to ‘common sense go’ heuristics.

   In go rules, after playing a move you remove (capture) enemy groups without liberties, and then remove friendly groups without liberties (NZ rules allow suicide, this is rarely important).

Capturing with image manipulations, in more minute detail:

Starting with the enemy color
Split the original board into two images, the friendly mask and the enemy mask.
Label 4-connected regions of the enemy mask.
FOREACH labelled region
Dilate a copy of that region
                Exclude the friendly stone mask
                If the copied region changed size, add the original labelled region to the final image
Add the friendly stones to the final image.
Swap colors and repeat.


   Figure 1 is what I look at while my bot is running (here it is only trying a hundred random games, so especially early on the moves seem very randomly selected). The columns to the left of the board are x and y coordinates relative to the middle square of the board (= 0,0) and the number of wins counted.
figure 1: Game in progress